Small bathrooms and a lot of defogging lenses.  Who would have known that there was the storm of the century outside that day. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Aveeno spot with the legend @tjmauck 

Directed by @alimitton
Produced by @peppermade 
Gaffer @mikewilliamsoncinema 
Key Grip @valtabianjr 
Best crew in town: @specialpurposelightingandgrip 
Shot on #sonyvenice2

#gaffer #lighting #commercial #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #dowhatmakesyouhappy #aveeno #bathroom #skincare
Small bathrooms and a lot of defogging lenses. Who would have known that there was the storm of the century outside that day. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Aveeno spot with the legend @tjmauck Directed by @alimitton Produced by @peppermade Gaffer @mikewilliamsoncinema Key Grip @valtabianjr Best crew in town: @specialpurposelightingandgrip Shot on #sonyvenice2 #gaffer #lighting #commercial #lovewhatyoudo #dowhatyoulove #dowhatmakesyouhappy #aveeno #bathroom #skincare
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