“No one can win against kipple, he said, except temporarily and maybe in one spot,” - from Philip K Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, (1968).
Using anamorphosis to create order from disorder. Letter E then went on to influence the design of Jay-Z’s The Blueprint 3 album artwork. Set design by @nicolayeoman 

#anamorphosis #letters #dts #bts #creative #jays #blueprint3 @jayz
“No one can win against kipple, he said, except temporarily and maybe in one spot,” - from Philip K Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, (1968). Using anamorphosis to create order from disorder. Letter E then went on to influence the design of Jay-Z’s The Blueprint 3 album artwork. Set design by @nicolayeoman #anamorphosis #letters #dts #bts #creative #jays #blueprint3 @jayz
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