Happy #BamaStateDay Hornets! 

Support our student Hornets on their first day of classes by posting yourself in your Bama State gear and use the hashtags #BamaStateDay #BamaState #TheSociety

Also, give to the Student Support Fund via the link below. Students are able to take advantage of life changing opportunities because of your giving. @bamastatesociety 


#WhereHistoryIsMade #HistoryMaker
#AlabamaStateUniversity #ASU #hailbamastate🐝
Happy #BamaStateDay Hornets! Support our student Hornets on their first day of classes by posting yourself in your Bama State gear and use the hashtags #BamaStateDay #BamaState #TheSociety Also, give to the Student Support Fund via the link below. Students are able to take advantage of life changing opportunities because of your giving. @bamastatesociety https://fundraise.givesmart.com/e/G1VQmA?vid=16v9lo #WhereHistoryIsMade #HistoryMaker #AlabamaStateUniversity #ASU #hailbamastate🐝
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