New session for
@beautypapersmag ❤️
#beautypapers  #beautypapersmag 
BEAUTY PAPERS' online space for creatives. BEAUTY PAPERS ART LIST out now at 
1. Hair #minoriiiikato hair by me using @oribe Photography @kanto_kurosawa Make up @kajitaharuka Talent @umeummeme

"This is our attempt. Beauty, we believe, lies somewhere between the terrifying and the humorous, the macabre and the lovely."


This is the dawn of a new era.

Beauty Papers proves that art doesn't care about age, experience, gender or race.

Amongst a number of well-known and selected great artists, our work was used for the first opening page of the site. That is the answer that proves it all.

We keep on running.

Thank you for having me.❤️

New session for @beautypapersmag ❤️ ・・・ #THEEXHIBITIONIST #BEAUTYPAPERSARTLIST #beautypapers #beautypapersmag BEAUTY PAPERS' online space for creatives. BEAUTY PAPERS ART LIST out now at ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1. Hair #minoriiiikato hair by me using @oribe Photography @kanto_kurosawa Make up @kajitaharuka Talent @umeummeme "This is our attempt. Beauty, we believe, lies somewhere between the terrifying and the humorous, the macabre and the lovely." "これは、私たちの試み。美しさとは、恐怖とユーモラス、不気味さ、愛らしさの狭間の中にあると私たちは考えます。" This is the dawn of a new era. Beauty Papers proves that art doesn't care about age, experience, gender or race. Amongst a number of well-known and selected great artists, our work was used for the first opening page of the site. That is the answer that proves it all. We keep on running. Thank you for having me.❤️ #By_natures
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