Introducing Our Awardees! 1/10
It’s finally time to shine the digital spotlight on our incredible talents! Today marks the unveiling of the first work out of our remarkable lineup of 10 awardees.
Let’s dive right in and explore the circularity concepts and work of Sarah Frede. Their innovative concepts are set to redefine the future of fashion, pushing boundaries and inspiring change. 🌍
Take a moment to marvel at their creativity and vision. You won’t want to miss out on what they have in store!
Stay tuned as we continue to unveil the brilliance of our remaining awardees. ✨
#vorncommunity #vornfashionhub #BERLIN #berlinfashionweek #vornacademy
Thanks to our Key Partner and all Contributors!
Organised by
Key Partnership and Funded by:
@virtuallpro and Escape Technology video:
Commissioned by
@content_story_ @eme_om_ @elodie.carstensen @tabacovjulia @mathe_mathe_mathe @green_knit_orgbag @churchofthebrand @cot.Berlin @drenkrom.Berlin @sarah__frede
The Academy Showcase LOOM is part of the Berlin Fashion Week calendar. To find out more about BFW, visit their website (link in
@berlinfashionwe bio).