Here some short clips from my new DC for BMW Series 3! Only possible thanks to the unbeatable friends at @sauvagetv @benentrup and @ixyxi.ixyxi , apart from everyone else involved from the beginning. A million thanks to the client and agency for trusting me from the beginning, @nadja.mct and @a.priante for beautifully managing the production from both sides, my family at @grayskulltv , all the killer crew and artists I had the privilege to work with during the pre, the shoot and the post, and to @lasuitekiss and my son Dan for making me dream every day. Director: @alanmasferrer DP: @mauro.chiarello PD: @daviddiezisddz 1st AD: @ferranrial Stylist: @carolinagaliana MUAH: @medusaalegre LED visuals: @xavitribo Editor DC: @benentrup @thedeneditorial Editor Client’s version: @_chriszimmermann Music and Sound Design: @ixyxi.ixyxi Colorist: @sofie_borup @company_3 Post Production DC: @sauvagetv Full credits in previous post
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