Being asked to cast The Long Goodbye for @alzheimerssoc and @crcharlotte and the team @nca_ldn was a privilege and huge responsibility. Thank you to the wonderful cast who brought this powerful script to life. Director @crcharlotte Agency @nca_ldn Production company @knucklehead_hq Producer @francismw Creatives @peigh and @theafghanhound Casting @annamcauleycasting JACK: #NeilLeiper MUM: #JulieJupp DAD (CURRENT): #TrevorFox SIAN: EVE CARSON @evieeviec SISTER (CURRENT): CARLI FISH @carli__f MUMS FRIENDS: DONNA PEART JOHNSON - @donnamariaactor NICKY GOLDIE AZ SUPPORT WORKER: NARIN OZENCI - @narinofoz AZ SUPPORT WORKER: STEPHEN STALLONE THOMAS @stephenstallone AZ SUPPORT WORKER: SUNNY SINGH OSAHN @sunnyosahn YOUNG MUM: LUCY HARROW @Lucy._harrow DAD (YOUNG): JOEY ELLIS @joeyellis1 TEENAGE JACK: LEWIS FORD MUM FRIENDS YOUNGER: APRIL AMSTADAM @aprilamstadam_ SOPHIE TRUEMAN @_sophietrueman KIDS: DILLIE AND ROCKY POTTEN @potten_siblingsat
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