We couldn’t agree with #garybrecka more! Proper oxygenation makes everything better…What’s preventing us from having optimal oxygen naturally? Lots- toxic exposures, poor diets, and lack of exercise. That’s why we promote our trifecta at Kendro Egias- Bemer to enhance circulation, hyperbaric chamber to deliver healing oxygen, and sauna to cleanse and detox. Natural approaches to restore vibrant health! We don’t have to accept a decline in health as we get older. Contact us today to see if we have a protocol that can help you. There’s so much that oxygen can do! #hyperbaricoxygen #hbot #hbotbrooklyn #oxygenwellness #energy #athleticrecovery #Bemer #infraredsauna #oxygenhealing #detox #antiaging #healthspan #concussion #crohnsdisease #colitis #postsurgeryrecovery
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