洛水迢迢Shu Tong’s Last Haircut // Midea Branded Short In the village of LongSheng, women are known to have the longest hair in the world. As part of traditional customs, on each girls 18th birthday she goes through a coming of age ceremony where her hair gets cut for the last time in her life. She then leaves the village and commences the rest of her life. Her long hair connects her to her roots in Long Sheng. In this Midea branded short we followed Shu Tong on her final 2 days before she cuts her hair for the last time. In preparation, her Grandma gave her a speech to take with her into her future. 出镜 STARING 孙女|潘书彤 Granddaughter|Pan Shu Tong 奶奶|潘保英 Grandmother |Pan Bao Ying 女儿之歌表演|潘雨琪、潘红妹、潘秀香、潘保华、栗凤真、潘继兰、潘秀琴、潘保香 “The Daughter Song” Performed by: Pan Yuqi, Pan Hongmei, Pan Xiuxiang, Pan Baohua, Li Fengzhen, Pan Jilan, Pan Xiuqin, Pan Baoxiang 制作|ZEN STUDIO Productions 导演 | 笨笨 Director |Benjamin Mullinkosson 制片 | 何鸣春 Producer |He Mingchun 摄影指导 | 费艳秋 Director of photography| @feilight 剪辑师 | 小麦 Editor | @mikemogler 音乐制作|Dr. Ryan Somerville Music by | @rt_somers AGENCY 商业内容厂牌|辨与诗 内容总监|王阳阳 Account Director|Yang Yang 执行创意总监|唐碧峰 Creative Director|Tang Bifeng 视觉总监/平面摄影师|肥英 Stills Photographer| Fei Ying 创意组长|朱宇晨 Associate Producer|Zhu Yuchen 创意美术|安博 Sr. Art Director| An Bo 文案|炯炯 Copywriter|Jiong Jiong 项目管理|马润生 Project Manager| Ma Run Sheng 外联制片:潘超群 Local Producer Pan Chaoqun 副导演 | 徐理成 First Assistant Director| XuLicheng 第二副导演|霍天瑞 @caseyhomovich 艺术指导 | 唐蜜 Production Designer| Tang Mi 瑶语翻译 | 潘超群 Yao Translation: Pan Chaoqun 后期制片 |霍天瑞 Post Production Coordinator | Casey Homovich 调色| 小麦 Color by |Mike Mogler 声音设计| 小麦 Sound Design by|Mike Mogler 服化组长 | 李雪梅 Head of Wardrobe & Makeup | Li Xuemei 服化助理 | 崔芸芸 Wardrobe & Makeup Assistant | Cui Yunyun DIT | 谢坪 DIT | Xie Ping 录音师 | 孙志延 Sound | Sun Zhiyan 摄影大助 | 杜孝廷 First AC | Du Xiaoting 焦点 | 仇瑞 Focus Puller Qiu Rui 美助 | 黎浩 Art Assistant | Li Hao 执行制片 | 王政鸿 Line Producer | Wang Zhenghong 制片助理 | 雷琦 Production Assistant | Lei Qi 灯光师 | 钟志刚 Head Gaffer Zhong Zhigang 灯光 | 钟小松 Gaffer Zhong Xiaosong
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