Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day to the two women who raised me as a team! My mother and grandma! The two strongest women I know! My grandmother was my best friend! We literally talked about everything! Her love towards me was so unconditional and pure. Shes the reason why I’m so nurturing, caring, loving and stubborn. She was a Virgo 😂 She taught me the power of prayer. She prayed over me daily and told me “Son, don’t let this world change you, YOU change the world” she also told me “Stop walking with your head down. Lift your damn head up when you walk” I know for sure my grandmother’s prayers are still protecting me and guiding me on this journey.
I watched my mom battle lupus my whole life. Being in excruciating pain and not saying a word and still raising 3 kids as a single mom. She was tough but sweet… very forgiving. I didn’t understand her and she for damn sure didn’t understand me 😂 so it caused some friction in our relationship. I was a protector ✊🏾 our relationship wasn’t perfect but that was my momma. We would sing Whitney Houston’s Preachers wife Album from start to finish at the top of our lungs. The second slide is a voice mail she left me right before she passed. You’re right Ma you are home and I don’t have to worry. I love you both 🖤 RIP Ma and Grandma