⚡️ BELVEDERE B10 VODKA starring @future, directed by @taikawaititi Academy Award Winning director Taika Waititi teams up with iconic artist Future, for the launch of Belvedere B10 Vodka.✨ Director:  Taika Waititi Production: Bandits @banditsprod Production: Hungry Man @hungrymaninc CEO/Executive Producer: Philippe Dupuis-Mendel Producer:  Helen Gardiner (@helengparis) MP/Executive producer HM: Matt Buels (@mattbuels) Producer HM:   Hannah Stone (@hannahe_stone) Line Producer:  Christopher Nader  (@naderchristophe) DOP:  Nicolas Karakatsanis (@Skeletonherald) Lead Wardrobe:  Chrisine Centenera (@christinecentenera) Choreography: JA collective (@ja_collective) Production Coordinator: Harry Walters Production Coordinator:         Virginie L’Empereur Mexico Service Co: Tonic Films (@tonicfilmsmx) Mexican EP: Susie Neill (@drunkenscottishnanny) Line Producer: Victor Albarran Production Designer: Monica Bidault (@mbidault) 1st AD:  Frederique Henocque Post-Production: Bandits @banditsprod Postproducer:   Denis Brunier (@dbrunier) Supervisor VFX on set: Aby Michelle (@aby_michelle) Editor:   Stéphane Pereira (@sense_memory) Postproduction assistant:  Paul Julien (paul._.julien) Colourist:  Anne Szymkowiak (@anneszymkowiak2019) Flame artist:  Yann Masson (@yanito__) After Effects:  David Poulain(@poulich) Music producer: ATL Jacob (@atljacob) Music edit: Denis Brunier (@dbrunier) Sound producer & music mix: Thomas Couzinier (@thomascouzinier) Sound design: Benoit Mouet Sound mix: Christophe Colson & Sylvain Pierre (@sylv1.pierre) Sound production: Kouz (@kouz.paris)
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