Fantastic Motion and Stills combined shoot with the very talented team Director & Photographers
@mpcurtet DP
A quick dive into the design details of the all-new #MazdaCX70, a vehicle perfectly built around you. Learn more via the link in our bio. Pre-production model with options shown. Coming Spring 2024. ( #📷
@mazdausa )
mazdausa Tsuchida Yasutake - Jacques Flynn - Dave Lee hunterharleyinc - Cora Tanuwidjaja - mariogallardo garageteammazda kaoruseo jenn.lynn.m chrismanerik whoistheting jettblackroots - Andres Fabian - Jeff Perino
Director/Photographer mpcurtet
DP _vichuber
Producer mj68 hortaculture iambraid melanderson11
Photo team timcurtet jim_inglis kipccorley
Video team jeffrey_mc kyleklebe
Wardrobe sisterstyling
HMU llewcee carlitos_hair
Talents charlottedelamor adrianwyess
Rep #mpcurtet bareps in USA