Some pics I took of LA MADRIGUERA [DER BAU]: 29 and 30/06/2024
It begins when everything already seems to be over.
In a surreal, stage-like situation, we are invited to move through or find our spot in a room full of fragmented landscapes and displaced objects. And while some of us have the privilege to make ourselves comfortable on chairs and pillows, this is no longer an option in the world of the four performers.
The sound drags us deeper and deeper down into the burrow - or is it a rabbit-hole? - where bodies crouch and (unfold, drifting through different states of pleasure and destruction. Where did they lose their sense of community? How to reconnect to the memories of their own past?
From the experience of migration, displacement and assimilation La Madriguera/Der Bau creates a choreographic and performative encounter, questioning our sense of individuality and community. By bringing in elements of the Argentinian urban carnavalesque dance Murga and the dramatic genre Grotesco criollo, we search for our own traces of community inscribed in our own bodies. What other forms of existence and social encounters can emerge in a performative space?
Performance: Noah Rees
@noahre90 , Rocío 0’ Dezaille
Regie/Choreographie und Performance: Carolina de Vega
Musikkomposition und Performance: Gustavo Obligado
Sounddesign: Rocío Martínez
Produktionsassistenz und Dramaturgie: Alina Saggerer
Lichtdesign: Asier Solana.
Bühnenbild and instagram Fotos: Anna Klaine
Bühnenbildassistenz: Diellza Zogaj
Kostüm: Sibel Latifova und Viola Krumrey
Dramaturgie: Pau Hoff
Fotografie und Video: Ana Iramain und Juan Nasra
Mentoring: María Colusi und Jette Büchsenschütz