An other one I DP'ed with my good friends @hvhparismarseille who produced and directed. The challenge on this one was to sell that the Brazilian Footballer Nenê was the one juggling the whole time, while in fact we had a juggling freestyler champion on set with us. We knew we were going to shoot the famous footballer later on. So I had to make sure that the lighting was very contrasty to not see their face. I always loved working with hard lights and this one gave me the freedom to have fun. After shooting the main spot, we headed to the Adidas shop headquarter on the Champs Elysées to shoot Nenê, he was there to sign autographs. It turned out that the only location we could shoot was a 3x3 utility closet full of brooms and cleaning supplies. He actually laughed a lot when he saw the set up, I had put a strong fresnel light on top of his head, stopped down as much as possible and that was it. We had only 10 minutes with Nenê but we had a lot of fun with him, very nice guy and also since then one of the best footballer at juggling.
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