What an amazing surprise to see that tickets are sold out & another show has been added😭✨ @livenation @gramercytheatre Pls check my bio for tickets to the newly added show🔥 Both shows on October 18th at 8pm and 11pm are going to be so fun 🫶Thank you guys😭 Btw the end of the video where I'm talking in Japanese is so unimportant we didn't even add subtitles😂😂😂If you really want to know please ask a Japanese nearby lol I can tell you ahead of time that it's really not worth their (and your) time though😂 まさかのチケット完売&追加公演はとても嬉しいサプライズです😭✨ 追加公演のチケットはプロフィールのURLからチェックしてね🔥 10/18の20:00と23:00の2公演盛り上がっていこう!! ありがとう💗 盗撮されてるの知らなくて、 まさかの地獄のおはヨン様スタート😂 からの後半のヨン様の話どうでもいい😂😂 更にペ・ヨンジュンすぐ出ててきたのもウケる😂 あとずっと後ろで鳥みたいな鳴き声聞こえてるのも何?? ニューヨークって不思議だね #naomiwatanabe #standupwithnaomiwatanabe
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