summer has come and passed, many new sonic quests to be completed this season. glad to be back on stage and working again on new sound devices out of the club too — here’s where we can met again :

06.09 - @unsafeandsounds at @fluccvienna (live)
14.09 - @emoexistens double incision support party @doc_wooork (dj set)
21.09 - boycore monde @centredartdemalakoff (scenography and sound devices as @ottogata.exe )
28/29.09 - @pew_france (come say hi at the @explitymusic label stand)

06.10 - @nightembassy + @faeriesrecords + @ultrarare.rec , Paris (performance @ottogata.exe )
12.10 - @maintenant_festival at @antipoderennes (live)
18.10 - @performissima at @cwb_paris (performance as @ottogata.exe )
19.10 - ENDLESS HARDCORE SUMMER ll  @explitymusic @stationgaredesmines (live)

30.11 - Attention Disorder Festival @zoo.galerie b2b @loufauroux 

07.12 - @centredartdemalakoff (performance @ottogata.exe )
20.10 - @zawasound b2b @kimberlaid @karlfroye @explitymusic dojodeparis
21.10- @antre.peaux , Bourges (workshop+live)

wake me up when december ends

📸 @pictureandform
summer has come and passed, many new sonic quests to be completed this season. glad to be back on stage and working again on new sound devices out of the club too — here’s where we can met again : 06.09 - @unsafeandsounds at @fluccvienna (live) 14.09 - @emoexistens double incision support party @doc_wooork (dj set) 21.09 - boycore monde @centredartdemalakoff (scenography and sound devices as @ottogata.exe ) 28/29.09 - @pew_france (come say hi at the @explitymusic label stand) 06.10 - @nightembassy + @faeriesrecords + @ultrarare.rec , Paris (performance @ottogata.exe ) 12.10 - @maintenant_festival at @antipoderennes (live) 18.10 - @performissima at @cwb_paris (performance as @ottogata.exe ) 19.10 - ENDLESS HARDCORE SUMMER ll @explitymusic @stationgaredesmines (live) 30.11 - Attention Disorder Festival @zoo.galerie b2b @loufauroux 07.12 - @centredartdemalakoff (performance @ottogata.exe ) 20.10 - @zawasound b2b @kimberlaid @karlfroye @explitymusic dojodeparis 21.10- @antre.peaux , Bourges (workshop+live) wake me up when december ends 📸 @pictureandform
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