What an amazing week it’s been for #ThouShaltNotSteal at @tiff_net - 2 sold out screenings & already some great audience feedback. Congratulations to @riverdylans @sherryleewatson and the entire cast & crew!!! It’s an honour and a privilege to have been able to make this show with you and I can’t wait for you all to see it!! 🖤💛♥️🙌🙌🙌

Also big thanks to @jasonryle and the @screenaustralia team for all your amazing support throughout the festival!!! 

Don’t forget #ThouShaltNotSteal launches October 17 on @stanaustralia 

Be sure to follow @weplayludo for further updates!!!
What an amazing week it’s been for #ThouShaltNotSteal at @tiff_net - 2 sold out screenings & already some great audience feedback. Congratulations to @riverdylans @sherryleewatson and the entire cast & crew!!! It’s an honour and a privilege to have been able to make this show with you and I can’t wait for you all to see it!! 🖤💛♥️🙌🙌🙌 Also big thanks to @jasonryle and the @screenaustralia team for all your amazing support throughout the festival!!! Don’t forget #ThouShaltNotSteal launches October 17 on @stanaustralia Be sure to follow @weplayludo for further updates!!!
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