In The Valley of the Moon

This was my first time collaborating with director Luca Pizzoleo and I enjoyed every second of it. He and his team have such a clear vision for their stories and how they wish to share them on the screen. I can’t wait for his future projects.

Color | @ben_cichowski_color
Director | @luca_pizzoleo 
Writer | @luca_pizzoleo 
DP | @jeremy_basset 
Editor | @luca_pizzoleo 
Sound | @mikesoundmixer , @breakeverymold 
AC | @riquelmeolivier , @mr_sebastienb
In The Valley of the Moon This was my first time collaborating with director Luca Pizzoleo and I enjoyed every second of it. He and his team have such a clear vision for their stories and how they wish to share them on the screen. I can’t wait for his future projects. Color | @ben_cichowski_color Director | @luca_pizzoleo Writer | @luca_pizzoleo DP | @jeremy_basset Editor | @luca_pizzoleo Sound | @mikesoundmixer , @breakeverymold AC | @riquelmeolivier , @mr_sebastienb
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