Directed a music video for the legendary Japanese rock band, Porno Graffiti. This was my first production out of Japan and I owe a huge thank you to @yuann0111 and @kidzfrmnowhere for taking me in to direct this video.


Starring @hale and @iconickate

Production Company @kidzfrmnowhere 
US Producer @h_rizza 
Japan Producer @miyuccia
DP @thejadler
Directed a music video for the legendary Japanese rock band, Porno Graffiti. This was my first production out of Japan and I owe a huge thank you to @yuann0111 and @kidzfrmnowhere for taking me in to direct this video. 僕が演出した、ポルノグラフィティのMVからのスチール写真です。僕の日本初発信のプロダクションです! Starring @hale and @iconickate Production Company @kidzfrmnowhere US Producer @h_rizza Japan Producer @miyuccia DP @thejadler
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