Join us this weekend for «Lilia Prado is a Superstar» at @astrupfearnley! Performance, lectures and conversations. Co-organized with Hendrik Folkerts. 

The symposium “Lilia Prado is a Superstar” is organi­zed in the context of an act of remembrance that juxtaposes two years that may or may not have anything to do with each other: 1972 and 2022. The years between them mark the leap from the Norwegian court decriminalizing a sexual act between two men towards a year-long celebration of queer culture in Norway, the so-called Queer Cultural Year 2022. ⁠

With: Mathias Danbolt, Arnisa Zeqo, KILOBASE BUCHAREST (Dragos Olea & Sandra Demetrescu), Elizabeth Freeman, Abdellah Taïa, Christian Bendayán, D. Harding, Sam Hultin, Timimie Märak and Hendrik Folkerts.

#HendrikFolkerts #MathiasDanbolt #ArnisaZeqo #KILOBASEBUCHAREST #DragosOlea #SandraDemetrescu  #ElizabethFreeman #AbdellahTaïa #ChristianBendayán #DHarding #SamHultin #TimimieMärak #skeivtkulturår #skeivtkulturår2022 #astrupfearnley #astrupfearnleymuseet
Join us this weekend for «Lilia Prado is a Superstar» at @astrupfearnley! Performance, lectures and conversations. Co-organized with Hendrik Folkerts. The symposium “Lilia Prado is a Superstar” is organi­zed in the context of an act of remembrance that juxtaposes two years that may or may not have anything to do with each other: 1972 and 2022. The years between them mark the leap from the Norwegian court decriminalizing a sexual act between two men towards a year-long celebration of queer culture in Norway, the so-called Queer Cultural Year 2022. ⁠ With: Mathias Danbolt, Arnisa Zeqo, KILOBASE BUCHAREST (Dragos Olea & Sandra Demetrescu), Elizabeth Freeman, Abdellah Taïa, Christian Bendayán, D. Harding, Sam Hultin, Timimie Märak and Hendrik Folkerts. #HendrikFolkerts #MathiasDanbolt #ArnisaZeqo #KILOBASEBUCHAREST #DragosOlea #SandraDemetrescu #ElizabethFreeman #AbdellahTaïa #ChristianBendayán #DHarding #SamHultin #TimimieMärak #skeivtkulturår #skeivtkulturår2022 #astrupfearnley #astrupfearnleymuseet
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