Here’s a throw back to a touching short doc “My Moms Eggplant sauce” I got to be a part of last year.  Thanks to director @shainafeinberg and editor @chrismanley for coming to me with this beautiful project.

#shortfilm #cinematography #davinciresolve #color #filmmaking #colorcorrection #lenseflare #cinemagrade #colorgrade #grainisgood #cinema #photography #digitalcolorist #digitalcolor #arri 
#documentaryphotography #eggplantrecipes #arri #arrialexa
Here’s a throw back to a touching short doc “My Moms Eggplant sauce” I got to be a part of last year. Thanks to director @shainafeinberg and editor @chrismanley for coming to me with this beautiful project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #shortfilm #cinematography #davinciresolve #color #filmmaking #colorcorrection #lenseflare #cinemagrade #colorgrade #grainisgood #cinema #photography #digitalcolorist #digitalcolor #arri #documentaryphotography #eggplantrecipes #arri #arrialexa
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