Visit my profile to discover the universe of PARADIS ARTIFICIELS ⭐️ So happy to finallllllyyy share these with you ✨❤️ Special thanks to @victoriakira @sheriff.projects and @directdigitalhq for partnering up with me for this beautiful project! And of course to @merde_magazine for publishing me ✨check out their website on my bio✨ PHOTOGRAPHE/ RÉALISATRICE moi 🫡@cyberspace.cowgirl CO-REAL: Tansi Makele @m.tansi EDITING / SFX: Nathan Grosshans @nathgrosshans COLOR GRADING: Mafe Reyes-Terán @mafe.rt 1ER ASSISTANT Thomas Payet @tymo_0 PHOTOGRAPHE PLATEAU Isabel Weinberg @belwlima DA Jasmine Hiceb @jasmine.hiceb DÉCO Victoria Tran @victoria_trn Martial Bourdis @marcialleu installation: Jean-Baptiste Grangier @jean_bgran STYLISME Estelle Saidani @eshity Assistant styliste: Remy Burgevin @qlfss MUAs Mathilde Hache @jxamhtz Maryse Kanarellis @tamareese COIFFURE Alec Biger @alec.biger GAFFER Nathanel Paltrié @nathozaurus ELECTROS Colombe de Gonneville @colombe0503 Djamel Bertal @djameltalber MANNEQUINS Louna Acinelli @dea4dlamb Julia Carvalho @antichulia Lou-Rose Pinard @llourosep Neba Fofana @nebaem Theo Gaudin @_._folamour_._
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