Believe it. Conceive it. Achieve it.
I’m so grateful and proud to share this exciting achievement with you all.
Since I’ve been on this journey it all started with myself believing I can be, then I began to imagine and visualize myself being, until one day I became. Amen
I believe in the power of manifesting what you want into reality, and I dare you to start applying it to your life and see what happens. 🪄
Shouts to
@marielleboland for this amazing opportunity. She hmu outta nowhere with this after I thought I’ll never hear from her again lol, but that’s a story for another time.
Shouts to
@plush__baby and her team for pushing this and making it happen.
Shouts to the other staring actors and actresses in the film for making this what it is.
Shouts to
@margauxtheagency for rocking with me 🚀
Next Thursday July 20th, “Bitchy” will be premiering
@lashortsfest alongside other great films. Tickets now available on their website!
Link in my bio for quick access