Beyond excited to share my latest piece ‘LEVITATE’. Check it out on Vimeo:

All shot on the @freeflysystems EMBER and featuring the legend 

Director of Photography | @t_sessler 
Co-Director | @benfrankephoto 
Music | @kamauuworld & @michaelmarantz 
Edit | @j.p.editor 
Color by @rcocolor 
Supervising Colorist | @sethricart 
Colorist | Derrick Yuen
Color Assist | Rachel Dwornick
Color Producer | Kay Carpenter
Movi Operator | @ryanhamelin 
1st AC | @adam_h_roberts 
Special Effects | Forrest S. Brookmire

Special thanks to @freeflysystems, @great.white.snark and @ansel.luchau for supporting the project. Also big thanks to @RCOcolor, @michaelmarantz, @akbrookmire, @decade @bloch_party
Beyond excited to share my latest piece ‘LEVITATE’. Check it out on Vimeo: All shot on the @freeflysystems EMBER and featuring the legend Director of Photography | @t_sessler 
Co-Director | @benfrankephoto 
Music | @kamauuworld & @michaelmarantz Edit | @j.p.editor 
Color by @rcocolor 
Supervising Colorist | @sethricart 
Colorist | Derrick Yuen
Color Assist | Rachel Dwornick
Color Producer | Kay Carpenter Movi Operator | @ryanhamelin 1st AC | @adam_h_roberts 
Special Effects | Forrest S. Brookmire Special thanks to @freeflysystems, @great.white.snark and @ansel.luchau for supporting the project. Also big thanks to @RCOcolor, @michaelmarantz, @akbrookmire, @decade @bloch_party
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