Since 2018 we are official members of the Summer Breeze Open Air Media Team. This is the only job we are doing aereals AND Shots on the ground, in cooperation with @sebastian.lightup. Again, it has been a killer time to work with all of you guys in the media team. Thank you @summerbreezeopenair for your long term trust. Counting days for Summer Breeze 2024 🤘 This is the daily recap for the first open door day of the festival. More dailies to come soon. Watch out for the official aftermovie in a few weeks. Its going to be intense! . . . . . #festival #live #summerbreezeopenair #metal #metalhead #guitar #openair #openairfestival @blackmagicdesign @djiglobal @dji_inspire @sebastian.lightup @roman2073x @philipp_uhlmann @paulweitbrecht @vollvincent @tobiasholzingerfoto @sebastian_igrim
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