As we say goodbye to summer, take glimpse into Pietro Coppolecchia’s "Endless Summer”🌅 for @delsol____salon

PIETRO COPPOLECCIA : “We shot this off the Coast of Jalisco" Mexico at a friend's beach club! It was a Super tiny production with just me and the D.O.P.  who came down from LA with the camera and some rolls of 16mm film", we didn't even have a tripod.”

director: @pietrocopps
cinematographer: @justinmcwilliams
executive producer: @terebraun
produced by: @believemedia_london @believemedia
talent: @effybetancourt @nicoletequintanar
first AC: @manfredicops
colourist: @kaitlynbattistelli @ethos_studio
sound: @daniele_devirgilio
voice over: @eyeris_hsh
location: @casitasmaraika
photos: @viridianna__
As we say goodbye to summer, take glimpse into Pietro Coppolecchia’s "Endless Summer”🌅 for @delsol____salon PIETRO COPPOLECCIA : “We shot this off the Coast of Jalisco" Mexico at a friend's beach club! It was a Super tiny production with just me and the D.O.P. who came down from LA with the camera and some rolls of 16mm film", we didn't even have a tripod.” director: @pietrocopps cinematographer: @justinmcwilliams executive producer: @terebraun produced by: @believemedia_london @believemedia talent: @effybetancourt @nicoletequintanar first AC: @manfredicops colourist: @kaitlynbattistelli @ethos_studio sound: @daniele_devirgilio voice over: @eyeris_hsh location: @casitasmaraika photos: @viridianna__
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