timmasick Instagram Profile


a year ago

Totino’s - Area 4:25

In the spirit of the season, some lovely spots for your favorite pizza snack. 

Agency: @dentsu 
Production co: @pf100.tv 
Director: Emma Debany @night.lab
DP: @bryantjansen 
PD and SFX: @properreplica 
Art director: @w.j.odonnell 
Editor: @c.t.hurst @ps260
Sound Design: @audiomancy 

#totinos #area425 #pizzabrain #flatties #totinovela
Totino’s - Area 4:25 In the spirit of the season, some lovely spots for your favorite pizza snack. Agency: @dentsu 
Production co: @pf100.tv 
Director: Emma Debany @night.lab
DP: @bryantjansen 
PD and SFX: @properreplica 
Art director: @w.j.odonnell 
Editor: @c.t.hurst @ps260
Sound Design: @audiomancy #totinos #area425 #pizzabrain #flatties #totinovela
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