Location Sound // Documentary - Refugee Olympic Team - Part Portugal
This is the story of 5 Olympic Refugee Team athletes from Iran, Syria, South Sudan and Cameroon who swim, run and fight their way to opportunity and safety in host nations across the world. We follow their lives and hopes as they train to compete on the world stage at the Tokyo Olympics.
#productionsound #productionsoundmixer #locationsound #locationsoundrecordist #shure #shuremicrophones #locationsoundrecording #soundlocation #locationsoundportugal #soundportugal #boomoperator #soundengenier #sunset #madeinportugal #zuca #schoepsmicrophones#ambientrecording #olympics #igersportugal #iguerseurope #cyrilsantoslocationaudio #cantarx3 #lisbonportugal #madeinportugal #aatondigital #soundspeeds#setlife #audiolimiteda10 #refugee #refugeeolympicteam