i-D AW23 Cover story @i_d 
Featuring @sampha 

Text @caleb_anelson⁠
Photography @frankleboner⁠
Fashion @tom_guinness⁠
Editor-in-Chief @alastairmckimm 
Creative Director @jonnylu⁠
Editorial Director @oliviajsinger⁠
Hair by me @takuyauchiyama1128⁠ #takuyauchiyama 
Make-Up @athenapaginton @future_rep 
Set Design @arthurdeborman at Magnet⁠
Photography Assistance @rory__cole, @millyheane, Beatriz Gonçalves and @dylanjohncarlomassara⁠
Fashion Assistance @archiejoegrant and @eibhilinmoores⁠
Set Design Assistance Ted Pearce,@roisinjenner and Rosie Kidd⁠
Production @natanatics @dobedorepresents⁠
Casting (models only) @sarahsmallll at @goodcatch_
Models Johnny Mitchell, @zarifi_emma, @grace.mry,⁠
Christopher Lilleorg, Freddie Mackenzie, @esohel01and @surssup⁠
i-D AW23 Cover story @i_d Featuring @sampha Text @caleb_anelson⁠ Photography @frankleboner⁠ Fashion @tom_guinness⁠ Editor-in-Chief @alastairmckimm Creative Director @jonnylu⁠ Editorial Director @oliviajsinger⁠ Hair by me @takuyauchiyama1128⁠ #takuyauchiyama Make-Up @athenapaginton @future_rep Set Design @arthurdeborman at Magnet⁠ Photography Assistance @rory__cole, @millyheane, Beatriz Gonçalves and @dylanjohncarlomassara⁠ Fashion Assistance @archiejoegrant and @eibhilinmoores⁠ Set Design Assistance Ted Pearce,@roisinjenner and Rosie Kidd⁠ Production @natanatics @dobedorepresents⁠ Casting (models only) @sarahsmallll at @goodcatch_ Models Johnny Mitchell, @zarifi_emma, @grace.mry,⁠ Christopher Lilleorg, Freddie Mackenzie, @esohel01and @surssup⁠ #sampha
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