Where friendship meets success V-Zug x Apartamento @vzug @apartamentostudios We visited @silvio_germann_mammertsberg and @giuseppelovascoo at the restaurant and hotel @mammertsberg - a gastronomic destination for gourmets and all food and wine enthusiasts. Guests can not only indulge in Silvio’s Michelin-starred cuisine and breathtaking views of Lake Constance, but also experience his sense of innovation, attention to detail and hospitality. Giuseppe Lo Vasco guided us through his personal treasure trove - the wine cellar, where 4000 wines are stored, the oldest being a 61 Bordeaux. Creative Direction & Production @apartamentostudios Directed by @christophschaller @studiocnp DOP @annegryczka Edit, Colour @christophschaller @studiocnp Music @quirinbrunhuber @studiocnp
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