Dystopian journey into the otherworldly AMBUSH Metaverse ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Campaign by Harley Weir
Models Sora Choi and Taemin Park 

Director @harleyweir
D.O.P @alexanderinghambrooke_ 
Production: @collateralfilms_official 
Editing and Sound Design Valentina Landenna
Colour Grade @daniel.pallucca
Dystopian journey into the otherworldly AMBUSH Metaverse ๐Ÿ”ฎ Campaign by Harley Weir Models Sora Choi and Taemin Park Director @harleyweir D.O.P @alexanderinghambrooke_ Production: @collateralfilms_official Editing and Sound Design Valentina Landenna Colour Grade @daniel.pallucca
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