This one was very special. I grew up going to Veterans stadium watching the Phillies, and when they shifted to Citizens Bank Park, my dad had me there immediately to shout for our team. From some of my earliest memories, to World Series parades my senior year of highschool, and to the last few heart breaking seasons, The Phillies have been a staple for me and my hometown. So
@kylethrash doing what he could to bring me on board to mix this short documentary about The Philly Captain himself, Jon McCann, is a true Philadelphian and great human. Getting to be apart of telling his story for
@breakwaterstudios and
@highergroundmedia was an absolute honor. To showcase my city and its people, while also getting to go through parts of the Phillies stadium I could only dream of as a kid, is something I’ll cherish forever. This documentary is something really special, and I hope it goes beyond just sports fans because this is a story about a human I think many of us can relate to.