Foto: @puria_safary 
2024. Noch hier. Und bereit die Herausforderungen als Freier Schauspieler mit 51 Jahren zu meistern.

2024. Ancora qui. E pronto ad affrontare le sfide di essere un attore freelance all'età di 51 anni.

2024. Still here. And ready to master the challenges of being a freelance actor at 51 years old.

Thanks to: @agenturtanjarohmann AGENTUR TANJA ROHMANN 
@castingcallsde @casting_mareth_roelcke @franziska_aigner_casting@manolya_mutlu @stefany_pohlmann_casting @rietz.casting @anjadihrberg_casting @dayanir_hellwig_casting @peti_misaila_casting @clemenserbach @constantincasting @matheiscasting @herminafatyol 

#antoniolallo #actor #actorslife #schauspieler #film #photography
Foto: @puria_safary 2024. Noch hier. Und bereit die Herausforderungen als Freier Schauspieler mit 51 Jahren zu meistern. 2024. Ancora qui. E pronto ad affrontare le sfide di essere un attore freelance all'età di 51 anni. 2024. Still here. And ready to master the challenges of being a freelance actor at 51 years old. Thanks to: @agenturtanjarohmann AGENTUR TANJA ROHMANN * * * * @castingcallsde @casting_mareth_roelcke @franziska_aigner_casting@manolya_mutlu @stefany_pohlmann_casting @rietz.casting @anjadihrberg_casting @dayanir_hellwig_casting @peti_misaila_casting @clemenserbach @constantincasting @matheiscasting @herminafatyol #antoniolallo #actor #actorslife #schauspieler #film #photography
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