Camp Halloscream with 
@sarahsquirm for @polyesterzine 

Words: Sihaam Naik @sihaamn
Photographer: Elizabeth Renstrom @elizabethrenstrom
Creative Direction: Ione Gamble @ionegamble and Sarah Sherman @sarahsquirm
Styling: Gabriel Held @gabriel_held_vintage
Hair: Davey Matthew @daveydidmyhair using @bumbleandbumble 
Makeup: Mollie Gloss @molliegloss
SFX: Louie Zakarian @louiezfx
Videographer: Paul DeSilva @pauldesilva
Polyester videographer: Irmak Akgur @irmakgur
Sea Creature: Hunter Saling @idealstepdad
Werewolf: Cory Lane @corypeterlane
Location: NYC Film Locations @nycfilmlocations
Photography assists: Jesse Mico @moviepass_mourning
Colin Shields @hag_planet
Camp Halloscream with @sarahsquirm for @polyesterzine Words: Sihaam Naik @sihaamn Photographer: Elizabeth Renstrom @elizabethrenstrom Creative Direction: Ione Gamble @ionegamble and Sarah Sherman @sarahsquirm Styling: Gabriel Held @gabriel_held_vintage Hair: Davey Matthew @daveydidmyhair using @bumbleandbumble Makeup: Mollie Gloss @molliegloss SFX: Louie Zakarian @louiezfx Videographer: Paul DeSilva @pauldesilva Polyester videographer: Irmak Akgur @irmakgur Sea Creature: Hunter Saling @idealstepdad Werewolf: Cory Lane @corypeterlane Location: NYC Film Locations @nycfilmlocations Photography assists: Jesse Mico @moviepass_mourning Colin Shields @hag_planet
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