MY TOP 3 FREE FX PLUGINS πŸŽ› Here are the top 3 FX plugins I used to make my EP⚑️ 1. Chorus-LX by @talsoftwaregmbh a vintage chorus effect that emulates the Juno 60 chorus ✨️ 2. Origin by @cymaticsfm a vintage/lofi plugin to make your samples sound like they’re straight from an old tape machine β˜€οΈ 3. Space Modulator by @valhalladsp a great plugin to create weird flanging, detuning, doubling, echo and reverb effects 🌻 Have fun with these 😁 πŸ“Έ Photo by @tristanconchon #musicproducer #musicproduction #freeplugin #newrelease #electropop #electronicmusic #floso #allconnected #daw #newmusic #indiedance #synthwave
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