Thank you so much to
@oklahomahof for this incredible honor of inducting me into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame. I am beyond honored to have received this acknowledgment along side six truly remarkable individuals who have helped shape the world through their philanthropy, human rights work, racial equality, education, scientific advancement, art and drive to help make a better world for all. I do nothing alone in my life therefore all of my successes belong to the many family, friends, teachers and strangers who have lead with their hearts and love for life. I am humbled and will continue to grow to be all I can be so that I can support others to know their positive actions can make an impact on our precious planet. With love and gratitude. Thank you for all who showed up with their presence or words of support. ❤️ and damn I am a proud mama as my son Auden introduced me like a pro and full of heart. #OHOF #okhighesthonor