šŸŽŠRetour en image sur la premieĢ€re eĢdition de PERFORMISSIMAšŸŽŠ

(Re)deĢcouvrez certains des 56 artistes programmeĢs pendant ces 12 heures de festival au cwb-paris !


šŸŽŠA snapshot of the first edition of PERFORMISSIMAšŸŽŠ

(Re)discover some of the 56 artists programmed during the 12 hours of the festival at cwb-paris!

šŸ“ø @zochauvet @daniescolar @ari_bafalouka_films_photo_art et WBI Elodie Meunier

#performissima #performingarts #performingartsfestival #performance #festival #cwb_paris #centrewalloniebruxelles
šŸŽŠRetour en image sur la premieĢ€re eĢdition de PERFORMISSIMAšŸŽŠ (Re)deĢcouvrez certains des 56 artistes programmeĢs pendant ces 12 heures de festival au cwb-paris ! ā€” šŸŽŠA snapshot of the first edition of PERFORMISSIMAšŸŽŠ (Re)discover some of the 56 artists programmed during the 12 hours of the festival at cwb-paris! šŸ“ø @zochauvet @daniescolar @ari_bafalouka_films_photo_art et WBI Elodie Meunier #performissima #performingarts #performingartsfestival #performance #festival #cwb_paris #centrewalloniebruxelles
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