Revised edition now on Amazon and Kindle! #ShitMyMamaSays a humorous look at life while dealing with dementia. All caregivers need a break and we all need a good laugh. Take some time to show some appreciation to somebody who is a caregiver by sending them this book. It’s a great gift under 10 bucks and I have friends who, still to this day. Tell me how much reading my mom‘s quotes makes them laugh and gives them a little bit of comfort. #firsttimeauthor #newbook #firsttimewriter #published #author #yougetonemom #yougetonemother #dementia #nursinghome #covid_19 #covidloss #mouthlikeatruckdriver #mouthlikeasailor #gavezerofucks #ShitMyMamaSays #dementia #dementiaawareness #dementiasupport #agingparents #nursinghomelife #nursinghomehumor #quotes #giftideas #giftsunder10 #memories #mom #mother #yougetonemother #availableonamazon #authorsofinstagram
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