katorihall Instagram Profile


25 days ago

To my lil’ Miss Sunshine.
May we walk down every road in life side by side from Tverskaya to the Champs-Élysées to MLK Boulevard…

May we share secrets on the phones of tomorrow 

May I be your rock and you my air

May I be a cup for your tears and a warrior for your dreams. 

May I be a mother you can be proud of.

To my newest sun, you make mommy see this world with the eyes of a babe 

Sunday mornings are the best when they start with a kiss from you.

Mama Mushana
To my lil’ Miss Sunshine. May we walk down every road in life side by side from Tverskaya to the Champs-Élysées to MLK Boulevard… May we share secrets on the phones of tomorrow May I be your rock and you my air May I be a cup for your tears and a warrior for your dreams. May I be a mother you can be proud of. To my newest sun, you make mommy see this world with the eyes of a babe Sunday mornings are the best when they start with a kiss from you. Love, Mama Mushana
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