Holiday Handbook, A Perfect Week in New York by Zoe Ruffner in Holiday Magazine No.394, the Autumn/Winter 2024-25 issue devoted to New York.

Photography: Bruce Davidson, Olivier Kervern | Words: Zoe Ruffner

@zoeruffner @brucedavidsonphoto @olivierkervern
#HolidayMagazine #N394 #NewYork #newyorkissue
@holidaymagazine @atelierfranckdurand
Holiday Handbook, A Perfect Week in New York by Zoe Ruffner in Holiday Magazine No.394, the Autumn/Winter 2024-25 issue devoted to New York. Photography: Bruce Davidson, Olivier Kervern | Words: Zoe Ruffner @zoeruffner @brucedavidsonphoto @olivierkervern #HolidayMagazine #N394 #NewYork #newyorkissue @holidaymagazine @atelierfranckdurand
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