@_cameron_scott__ on
@balfua Slollas
jybockywocky slolla
The slollas offer a much-needed example of a kind of ecological concern that is more to do with observing the non-human (being with, listening to, taking notice and learning from), as opposed to the majority of other over-explanatory, reductive and argumentative approaches. These slollas feel like they have come from the future - or potentially a timeless place - and have clearly not been made from using negativity as a starting point. Occupying the confusing space of Instagram with a fizzy optimism that creates hope.
Unlike a lot of work that uses AI to some extent, these use a quality of video that is in the key to what people would take themselves. Not a lazy idea of the professional or cinematic, these videos are within the key as to what people might have in their own phones; this is what it would look like if you filmed these. The execution of the slollas and their morphing and movement is amazing. They are shape-shifters that morph and have no set shape, yet are also contained. They look like thoughts or memories with their non-fixed state, celebrating fluidity and highlighting the fiction of anything being solid or fixed - everything is in a porous state of flux.
These videos present something that is fictitious, the slollas, into our world - the barriers between seems fuzzy, a tactic/quality and thought largely overlooked when people are world-making, often creating a separation between our world and the fictitious. The slollas don’t do this, creating a moment of uncanny “wait what the fuck” that is without a punch line.
They create a delay before you realise these creatures have been in some way fabricated, but then you watch it again and start to think about the shape-shifting quality above - maybe not instantly, but it seeps in. In the best possible way, the snake is eating its tail - the reels and the spectacle-based expectation of the reel are being used within service to the idea - not self-congratulatory though, a more creative something that is generous and non-explanatory - something like a lie + lie has made a kind of truth.