Kristen Bell for @nobodywantsthisnetflix press. 

Style @nicolechavezstyle 
Hair @anthonycampbellhair 
Makeup @quinnmurphy 

Notable beauty products 
invisible Spot Fix #2 under eyes and on redness
Sali-C Primer to prep skin. 
Alcohol Free Setting Spray to finish and set makeup 
@monikablunder Hot Line Lip Pencil in Sandi
@phytosurgence lip balm in Warm Waves
@weareneen black mascara and Pretty Shady Trio eyeshadows in the NYC Trio.
Kristen Bell for @nobodywantsthisnetflix press. Style @nicolechavezstyle Hair @anthonycampbellhair Makeup @quinnmurphy Notable beauty products invisible Spot Fix #2 under eyes and on redness Sali-C Primer to prep skin. Alcohol Free Setting Spray to finish and set makeup @monikablunder Hot Line Lip Pencil in Sandi @phytosurgence lip balm in Warm Waves @weareneen black mascara and Pretty Shady Trio eyeshadows in the NYC Trio.
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