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14 days ago

CORNUCOPIA the book includes all of the avatars that were woven into Cornucopia with projections. 

This one belongs to Ovule and was created by Nick Knight @nick_knight.

The others are by Andrew Thomas Huang @andrewthomashuang, Gabríela Friðriksdóttir @gabrielafridriksdottir & Pierre-Alain Giraud @pierrealaingiraud, Tobias Gremmler @tobiasgremmler, and Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton-Jones @warrendupreeznickthorntonjones.

BJÖRK • CORNUCOPIA • the book • edited and designed at M/M (Paris) @mmparisdotcom • photographs by Santiago Felipe @santiagraphy

Pre-order link in bio !!
CORNUCOPIA the book includes all of the avatars that were woven into Cornucopia with projections. This one belongs to Ovule and was created by Nick Knight @nick_knight. The others are by Andrew Thomas Huang @andrewthomashuang, Gabríela Friðriksdóttir @gabrielafridriksdottir & Pierre-Alain Giraud @pierrealaingiraud, Tobias Gremmler @tobiasgremmler, and Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton-Jones @warrendupreeznickthorntonjones. BJÖRK • CORNUCOPIA • the book • edited and designed at M/M (Paris) @mmparisdotcom • photographs by Santiago Felipe @santiagraphy Pre-order link in bio !!
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