@travisscott for @jumpman23  Tried to go against our usual habits here. Sometimes not adding any sound to a shot has the strongest impact. —— Director @gabrielomoses DP @jake_gabbay Production @division.global EP @alice.wills Service Production @northofnowfilms EP @matissephlip @yaro___ Supervising producer @ebearcook Post Production House @1080p.world CDs @makyph @rem_monti @trxstxn_fxrxs Editor @josephtaylr @trimediting Edit Assistants @torgier @thibs_whm @anto.wan Sound Studio @concret.form Sound Design & Mix @rphljls  Sound Editor @whykaisofly Color @johnlowe.xyz VFX Supervisor @charlie_n_ VFX Team @okkoboomin @mykolashurin
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