Holiday Magazine No.394, the Autumn/Winter 2024-25 issue devoted to New York.

Cover 8 out of 8.

Photography: Zoë Ghertner | Styling: Camilla Nickerson | Model: Selena Forrest with Baby Dave, a rescue cat from @greenpoint_cats | Hair: Dre Demry-Sanders at MA+Group | Makeup: Yadim | Manicure: Roseann Singleton | Set design: Spencer Vrooman | Casting: Rachel Chandler at Midland | Production: AP Studio | Executive production: Nevermind

#HolidayMagazine #N394 #NewYork #newyorkissue
@zoeghertner #camillanickerson @selenaforrest @yad1m @dre_on_hair @theroseannsingleton @spencervroomanstudio @rachelchandler @midlandagency @apstudioinc @nevermindagency_ 
@holidaymagazine @atelierfranckdurand
Holiday Magazine No.394, the Autumn/Winter 2024-25 issue devoted to New York. Cover 8 out of 8. Photography: Zoë Ghertner | Styling: Camilla Nickerson | Model: Selena Forrest with Baby Dave, a rescue cat from @greenpoint_cats | Hair: Dre Demry-Sanders at MA+Group | Makeup: Yadim | Manicure: Roseann Singleton | Set design: Spencer Vrooman | Casting: Rachel Chandler at Midland | Production: AP Studio | Executive production: Nevermind #HolidayMagazine #N394 #NewYork #newyorkissue @zoeghertner #camillanickerson @selenaforrest @yad1m @dre_on_hair @theroseannsingleton @spencervroomanstudio @rachelchandler @midlandagency @apstudioinc @nevermindagency_ @holidaymagazine @atelierfranckdurand
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