It all comes down to this . . . All the work, sweat, the fears and the tears. What we work all year towards. To be in these finals on this horse owned by my aunt and uncle and be competing with my dad at our most prestigious event, these are the moments we dream of. It took a team to get us here and we wouldn’t be here without them. #ReyzinTheLimit #LittleJocey @cookie_banuelos @katiebanuelos @bellahadid @ericalennox1 @jl.performancehorses @jess_fina @sfeiner777 @ali.banuelos @cooper__clark @elizbrumbaugh @quirktodd @joeborjon @logan.mays @tiffanibanuelos @owen_yarbrough @coltmooreperformancehorses_ @jenceejarvismoore @j_salas123 @k8lin_abaher @tanguy.saulnier @vonnie_wells @lucaasaraujo77 @ctserginhoaraujo @claire_alexander24 @alejandro_banue7os @barbara_gaughan @jdghusker @gwyngaughan @loniweaver2 @bse_26 @s.556._ @grace.jordan.gj
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