Pay-off, not trade-off! @emmachenartistry puts the MECCA MAX everyday beauty essentials to the test, let’s find out how much bang for your buck you really get! ⭐Off Duty Serum Skin Tint $32 AUD ​ ⭐Off Duty Blush Stick $20 AUD ​ ⭐Off Duty Contour Stick $20 AUD ​ ⭐Zoom Shadow Stick $20 AUD ​ ⭐Wink Ink Super Mascara $22 AUD​ ⭐Pout Pop Lip Pencil $16 AUD​ *Cost-per-wear based on average daily recommended usage amount (in AUD) ​​ #MECCAMAX #50CENTFACE #COSTPERWEAR #PAIDPARTNER #AD
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