Books, by Edwin Frank in Alphabet No. 1.

Edwin Frank is undoubtedly one of today’s greatest editors. As editor of @nyrbooks NYRB Classics, he publishes both the best of the literary heritage and some of the greatest contemporary voices (including the winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction). Alphabet gives us the opportunity to discover his thoughts as an author and reader.

#alphabetmagazine #edwinfrank #donatiengrau #thomaslenthal
Books, by Edwin Frank in Alphabet No. 1. Edwin Frank is undoubtedly one of today’s greatest editors. As editor of @nyrbooks NYRB Classics, he publishes both the best of the literary heritage and some of the greatest contemporary voices (including the winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction). Alphabet gives us the opportunity to discover his thoughts as an author and reader. #alphabetmagazine #edwinfrank #donatiengrau #thomaslenthal
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