Our Fellowship Award Winners ✨

Member of the Year @billyryan__
Presidents Award @haircuts4homeless
Community Hero @lauravleigh 
Regional Ambassadors
Collette Osborne of @urbanhideaway_nottingham
Geri Padalino of @sassoonacademyofficial
Fellow with Distinction @sallybrookshair
Fellow with Honours 

Congrats all! ✨

Our Fellowship Award Winners ✨ Member of the Year @billyryan__ Presidents Award @haircuts4homeless Community Hero @lauravleigh Regional Ambassadors Collette Osborne of @urbanhideaway_nottingham Geri Padalino of @sassoonacademyofficial Fellow with Distinction @sallybrookshair @robertmasciave @tannsmithhairartist Fellow with Honours @hairbydarrel @danielcouchhair @jacqui.mcintosh @jaybenzhair @lisafarrall @mteodoromc @thecurlyscott Congrats all! ✨ #fellowshiphair
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