⚙️🤖“La Maquina” AKA The machine. 🤖⚙️- sometimes having lights in shot can make an entire set. Powered by 4 @nanliteusa #fc500c and 2 #forza60c. Endless color and FX combos for dayyys. 📸 @allyvisuals 🎬 @jasiellouison 
#film #photography #videography #indiefilm #musicvideo #musicvideodirector #musicvideoshoot #music #dance #dancers #choreography #model #modeling #eastharlem #spanishharlem #uptownshots
⚙️🤖“La Maquina” AKA The machine. 🤖⚙️- sometimes having lights in shot can make an entire set. Powered by 4 @nanliteusa #fc500c and 2 #forza60c. Endless color and FX combos for dayyys. 📸 @allyvisuals 🎬 @jasiellouison #film #photography #videography #indiefilm #musicvideo #musicvideodirector #musicvideoshoot #music #dance #dancers #choreography #model #modeling #eastharlem #spanishharlem #uptownshots
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